Thursday, August 25, 2022

Manicure and pedicure salon massage center in Multan

 Manicure and pedicure salon massage center in Multan, 2022

Manicure and pedicure salon massage center in Multan
Manicure and pedicure salon massage center in Multan

 In Multan there are many manicure and pedicure massage center which provides different types of massage:

Four-hand massage:

Four-hand massage is a form of massage therapy performed by two therapists at the same time. This type of massage is more expensive than other forms of massage as it requires two therapists to compensate for their time and skill. This type of massage allows each therapist to focus on specific areas of the body. First is for upper body and second is for lower body. Four hand massage can also combine massage her techniques. One therapist will give you reflexology and another will give you a Swedish massage.
Reflexology :

Reflexology is a pain-relieving treatment that uses pre-determined pressure points on the feet and hands. This controlled pressure relieves the source of discomfort. A reflexologist manipulates acupuncture points according to a specific reflexology technique.

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