Friday, October 23, 2020

Skin care tips with the different skin type

Skin care tips with the different skin type

skin care tips with different skin type


Everyone wants to look beautiful and also wants a shine and glow on its skin. This become desire for every person. So for this purpose, firstly you should know your skin type whether it is oily, dry, normal or a combination. After this you should follow the tips to get healthy skin.


·       Use the best face wash of your skin type.

·       Don’t touch your face.

·       Hydrate your face in and out.

·       Use the considerable cleanser of your skin type.    

·       Avoid the direct heat exposure.

·       Moisturize both day and night

·       Wash your face every day and night.

·       Also use a correct sun block of your skin type.

·       You should not too many products

·       Take healthy diet.

Types of skin

There are four types of skin

1.    Oily skin

2.    Normal skin

3.    Dry skin

4.    Combination skin

Oily skin

You may notice an extra oil in your face which is shining on your face. Oil may occurs on your face naturally. In other conditions, it may occurs due to different conditions.

It may reduce by using cleanser and to use a well-known soap. 

 The best treatment for oily skin is;

Wash your face twice a day also use a face wash for healthy skin.

Home remedy;

Take a mud mask and mix with rose water. Now apply on a face. It gives you a good result.

Normal skin

Normal is a term which is widely used to refer a well-balanced skin. It looks a beautiful, shiny, and smooth.

To care of our skin we should use a best cleanser, face wash, and every beauty products of our skin type.

Normal skin is neither a dry nor oily.

Combination skin

The type of skin having oil in some parts of our face and in some other parts it has dryness this is called combination.

Home remedy;

Take some mud and also add a honey. Now mix it well. So, apply it on your face.

It should give you a good result.

Dry skin

You may notice a dryness in your face, it occurs when your skin loses too much water and oil. In many causes it occurs due to weather conditions. It occurs due to low moisturize in air and soaking in hot water.

To reduce dry skin we should use best cleanser, face wash, and beauty product.

Home remedy;

Take some mud and add some fats to apply it on your face.

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